About UQ in India
“UQ in India” is an exciting and innovative Work Integrated Learning project by The University of Queensland’s School of Communication and Arts.
Twenty students are visiting India for 10 days, reporting on political, social and tourism stories – at the same time, developing their skills as radio, television, print and photo journalists.
In fact, it’s not just a wonderful opportunity to experience life in a foreign country where English is not the dominant language, it’s also an assessable subject. So our students are being marked on the quality and originality of their portfolio of stories.
The trip is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade under the New Colombo Plan.
View this project now: http://uqinindia.wordpress.com
Paul Smith
Paul Smith joined the team as manager in July 2013, coming from a background in interactive multimedia and web development. He has worked on many projects involving education, communication and technology.