Exploring life inside SOS Children’s Villages Vietnam
It’s a sad fact that Life, for more than two million children in Vietnam, is centred on their orphanage.
Our reporter Georgina Auton visits SOS Children’s Villages in Hanoi to meet those who live and work there.
The SOS Children’s Villages are a worldwide movement to help and protect children from around the world without parents.The Vietnamese section of the organisation was established because eight out of 100 children in Vietnam are at risk or do not have parents. To find out more, go to http://sosvietnam.org/Home/tabid/39/language/en-US/Default.aspx For more information on Adopt Change, visit http://www.adoptchange.org.au/
Special thanks to everyone at SOS Orphanage, Jane Hunt from Adopt Change, Nguyen Vu Thuy Duong for translating interviews at SOS Orphanage, the UQ Vietnam Today Team and Nguyen Thanh Dong from the Golden Cyclo Hotel, who also helped me to find the right parts of interviews.