Amedkar Road
by Bridget Sloan
In a city of almost 22 million people, one grows accustomed to expecting the unexpected. But throughout my travels in Mumbai, one of the most startling memories I had was my walk down Amedkar Road.
One minute we were exploring the city, and the next we were meeting families of this community living in poverty. They invited us into their homes, showed us how they live, and told us how they manage to survive.
In the centre of the community we discovered a charity organisation called the Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust. We followed their incredible work to the trust’s head office and Mumbai, and discovered how their rehabilitation program is impacting families and communiteis, just like the ones we had met.
Click here for the full story.
Bridget Sloan
Bridget Sloan is a third year journalism and arts student, majoring in Film & Television, and Writing. As reflected in her majors, Bridget's passions are concerning new forms of visual storytelling, and manipulating language to engage the reader. In 2016, Bridget was selected as one of twenty students sent to advance their skills as foreign correspondents in Mumbai, India.