Climbing out of drug addiction
Listen to an interview with a recovering drug addict and aims to give an insight.

The first and hardest step for drug addicts is admitting they have a problem and talking about it openly.
Drug addiction is one of the most harrowing, life-affecting experiences that a person can go through. However, not all drug addicts are led down a path of complete destruction.
The Queensland Police’s recent crackdown on the increase of the production, the use, and the sale of party drugs, most notably MDMA and cocaine, in South-East Queensland has thrown the topic of drugs into the region’s spotlight. However, all debates aside, how do people get so heavily into drugs? What is it like to be trapped in such a dark world? And what sort of level of functionality can a drug addict maintain, if any at all?
In the podcast below, Oliver, a 19-year-old from Brisbane who recently battled an addiction to the party drug ecstasy, talks about how he started taking drugs, and how his moderate use progressed into something quite dangerous, eventually getting him kicked out of home. He also talks about how he got himself on the path to a clean recovery and what is most rewarding about his new lifestyle. Also included is a short interview with Michelle Washer, Program Co-ordinator for the Alcohol and Drug Foundation in Brisbane.
If you require any information, counselling, assessment, or advice for treatment options relating to drug abuse and addiction, you can free call Queensland Health’s Alcohol and Drug Information Service on their 24-hour line on 1800 177 833.