Security inquiry a threat to privacy
Internet privacy could be under threat if the federal government adopts the recommendations of a proposed National Security Inquiry.

Photo: Emblem published by Senator Scott Ludlam to honor the opposition of the proposed National Security Inquiry.
Internet privacy could be under threat if the federal government adopts the recommendations of a proposed National Security Inquiry.
The National Security Inquiry, a discussion paper released by the Attorney General’s Department, states that internet service providers should be required to store online user activity for a period of two years.
Doctor Sean Rintel, board member of the EFA(Electronic Frontiers Australia) claims that the proposed National Security changes are a threat to civil liberties and privacy.
He says that the biggest concern surrounding the proposed security expansion is that intelligence agencies will be given the power to monitor and store everyone’s personal information with reduced accountability and no warrants.
To read the original Inquiry into Potential reforms of National Security Legislation click here
To sign the GetUp petition click here
Image: Courtesy of Senator Scott Ludlam, used with permission.