South Bank on Saturday: G20 Summit
- Police patrol South Bank at 6:30am
- Getting in some exercise along the normally popular river walkway
- Early morning at Little Stanley Street
- One of the 6,000 police officers working the G20
- Sun seekers cooling off at South Bank’s Streets Beach
- Keeping an eye on the Streets (Beach)
- Activists “The Climate Guardians” take a dip to protest against climate change inaction
- A police helicopter maintained a constant presence above South Bank during the day
- Members of the biggest “gang” in Brisbane
- A South Sudanese protester holds his sign in silence. Protesters from Brisbane’s South Sudanese community marched across the Goodwill Bridge into the Botanical Gardens and back. Just as many police as there were protesters accompanied the march
- The protesters, most of them Nuer people, said they hoped the publicity surrounding the G20 would help them get their message out: “Peace and justice in South Sudan”
- Uniting Church pastor David Busch (in blue on the right) marched with the protesters and said that every South Sudanese family in Brisbane has had family members killed or displaced in the South Sudan conflict.
- Siesta. Three media crew members from the Mexican Government’s official television service, Cepropie, have an early afternoon rest…
- …and the three amigos five hours later, having not moved all afternoon. They said they loved Brisbane.
- Cooling off following 33 degree heat
- One of the many forms of police patrol during the G20 weekend—foot, bike, motorbike, horse, car, helicopter, and boat. And drone.
- The view from Australia’s only inner-city beach
- Police cool off with a Nitrogenie ice cream pit-stop
- A quieter than usual Saturday night on Stanley St
- Queensland Fire and Rescue crew clocking off after a long day
- Brisvegas. Brisbane resident Geraldine O’Flynn, who also attended Expo88, said that the G20 “Brings Brisbane out of the small town mentality and puts it on the Australian cultural agenda”
Paul Smith
Paul Smith joined the team as manager in July 2013, coming from a background in interactive multimedia and web development. He has worked on many projects involving education, communication and technology.