Why we need to stop Greenwashing
The concept of green pr has come up as an approach to promote sustainable goods. Green pr is defined as the practice adopted by companies to develop and advertise products based on their real or perceived sustainability. Green pr has been successfully applied by key players in the market to showcase the eco-friendliness of their products. This practice has been evidenced in a variety of forms such as the use of less packaging, making products from recycled items, and sustainable fashion among others. In itself, green pr is a positive concept but some companies have sort of twisted this practice for their selfish gains. This has come to light in the form of greenwashing which is an unsustainable practice in the marketplace.
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Sources from https://www.lehnerdesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/sustainable.jpg

Sources from https://images.dailykos.com/images/667113/story_image/greenwashing.jpg?1555718233
#sustainabilitystories #greenwashing #iSustain
Fiji Water. (n.d.). [photograph of a bottle of Fiji]. Sources from Fiji+Water+-+Fiji+Water+Company-747360.png (999×699) (bp.blogspot.com)
Green sustainability-Bing. (n.d.). [photograph of think green]. Sources from shutterstock_213934342.jpg (1000×667) (deschenesregnier.com)
Green sustainability-Bing. (n.d.). [photograph of features greenwashing]. Sources from full_41139.jpg (722×409) (cloudimg.io)
Green sustainability-Bing. (n.d.). [photograph of greenwashing]. Sources from greenwashing.jpg (915×515) (dailykos.com)
Green sustainability-BIng. (n.d.). [photograph of green pr]. Sources from green-1.jpg (830×312) (agilitypr.com)
Green sustainability-BIng. (n.d.). [photograph of sustainability development city]. Sources from sustainable-development.png (1600×673) (hlevel.info)
Green sustainability-Bing. (n.d.). [photograph of sustainability quotes]. Sources from 1923904207-sdg2.jpg (1200×1035) (quotesgram.com)
Green sustainability-Bing. (n.d.). [photograph of green city cartoon]. Sources from greenurban_greenfactory.png (7016×3680) (ideal-ist.eu)
Green sustainability-Bing. (n.d.). [photograph of green coins growing up]. Sources from Green-Savings-scaled.jpeg (2560×1707) (brookswealth.co.uk)
Green sustainability-Bing. (n.d.). [photograph of sustainable architecture design]. Sources from sustainable.jpg (1000×1000) (lehnerdesigns.com)
Green sustainability-Bing. (n.d.). [photograph of sustainable ingredients]. Sources from sustainability_ss1.jpg (847×441) (global-organics.com)
Green sustainability-Bing. (n.d.). [photograph of the sustainable economy]. Sources from GettyImages-1146638009-1024×684.jpg (1024×684) (3ds.com)
Green sustainability-Bing. (n.d.). [photograph of green sustainable]. Sources from 252168-850×744-1-examples-sustainable-development.jpg (850×744) (ltkcdn.net)
L’oreal personal care. (n.d.). [photograph of many cosmetics]. Sources from Loreal-Makeup-Bag.jpg (1278×1270) (fabulousandfunlife.com.au)
LG Dryer. (n.d.). [photograph of LG brands]. Sources from lg electronics images – Bing