Fast fashion is becoming wildly unpopular at the same rapid pace it’s produced

Fast fashion is becoming wildly unpopular at the same rapid pace it’s produced 

The term ‘sustainability’ has become increasingly prevalent in society. Understanding what this term means and being sustainable is diverse and at times overwhelming. To improve this understanding comes from education and knowing what alterations you can make in your daily life. What if it was as easy as making a few changes to the clothes you wear every day? Most clothing items we buy are contributing to the fast fashion industry, at times unbeknown to us. To define what fast fashion is, they are garments which are cheap knockoffs of more expensive garments. The rapid production of such cheap items comes at a price for factory workers and the environment. Produced using non-renewable sources, the materials emit greenhouse gases and require masses of water and energy. Fast fashion is like an ex you can’t seem to get rid of – you know they’re bad for you, yet you keep going back to. Popular brands such as Zara, UNIQLO and H&M all support the fast fashion market. There is a misconception that to reduce support of the fast fashion industry you one needs to spend excessively. However, this blog will outline some effective tips to reduce your support to the fast fashion industry without breaking the bank in the process. It’s time to end your toxic relationship with fast fashion once and for all.


  1. Re-wear clothing garments


Not having a new item to wear to every single event is somewhat daunting. This is emphasised by the rise of social media, capturing you have in fact worn that item before, and God forbid an outfit repeat! [insert sarcasm here]. In fact, a Barnardo study uncovered that 33% of females will consider clothes old after just three wears. To avoid this, consider how you can accessorise previous outfits to look different – a nice blazer is a great way to do this.


The #30Wears rule founded by Livia Firth is a great way to incorporate sustainability into everyday life. Not only does this expand the lifespan of clothes, but it also ensures that only effective clothing purchases are completed. So, let’s change the conversation about re-wearing outfits as a good initiative.

2. Vintage and second-hand shopping


A great way to not ‘break the bank’ is to consider vintage and second-hand stores. These items will be in good condition and at times sell at a ¼ of the price. This is also a great way to pass on old clothing items in a sustainable way to ensure they go to a new home and reduce landfill. With the broad items of clothing available, there is sure to be something which hits current trend looks. Some Instagram influencers have been leading the charge in this sector, demonstrating how you can effectively shop at vintage stores. There are second-hand stores located throughout most suburbs, so they are easy to locate. Otherwise, a simple google search will determine what is the closest store to you. Another great resource to download is Depop, a platform to sell and buy second-hand clothing from other users.

Some of our favourite Instagram influencers include:

  • @fayedelanty
  • @zigs_mom
  • @eco.styles
  • @nattystylist


3. Creating your own clothing

Creating your own garment from scratch can be a super rewarding process and a great eyeopener to understand the value of a piece of clothing. This could be as simple as learning to sew, or even buying a sewing machine and the materials to create a masterpiece. It is cost effective and if made correctly, they could remain in good condition for a long period of time.

A Youtuber we enjoy watching is:

Jenna Phipps: Jenna has insightful videos demonstrating how to create items of clothing and other gadgets to use in everyday life such as tote bags and decorations.

To see one of Jenna’s videos:


4. Clothing swaps with peers

Want a way to catch-up with friends AND get some good clothing items? Then look no further than a ‘cloth swap’ with your nearest and dearest. Better yet, be sure to invite the friends that have fashion taste you absolutely adore to ensure some good swaps. Create an event with your friends and ensure your most loved garments are going to the ones you love the most.

It is totally up to you and your friends to decide how to run this event – whether you put each item at a price or just purely swap the items.


5. Understanding why you’re shopping excessively & do your research

Unbeknown to many, shopping is a dopamine hit, which can lead to excessive shopping of items you don’t truly need. Acknowledge if this may be an issue (which is totally common!) and understand what other means you can explore when you’re feeling triggered.

If removing shopping from your everyday life is not something that seems feasible, be sure to do your research! Most brands will display what their environmental rating it. It is important to know, there will be brands who front as environmentally friendly but are in fact some of the worst offenders. Furthermore, a common misconception is that the more expensive, the more environmentally friendly. An app to assist in this research is Le Tote, which a help reduce certain brands put on a green front.

Becoming more sustainable can be daunting, however implementing these actions can have a huge impact on others around you, igniting change. Even if you’re not ready to completely cut off this relationship with fast fashion, let’s start with some small changes.