Gabrielle Dempsey – s4697906 – COMU3150 – VIDEO

COMU3150 Planning Strategy

1.0.      Overview
1.1.      Situation
Popular video-sharing app TikTok has rapidly become one of the most popular social media platforms since its launch in 2016. The ability for users to create and share personalised videos has made TikTok one of the most popular social media apps in 2023, with its number of monthly users now sitting at 1 billion.

Recently, one of the most popular trends on the TikTok app has become ‘Get Ready With Me’, or ‘GRWM’, style videos, in which users film themselves getting ready for a particular event and showcase the clothes and products they use. The hashtag #GRWM on TikTok currently has 129.3 billion views. Through participation in this trend, users, particularly online influencers, are actively participating in promotional culture, exploiting their social media presence to promote and popularise certain styles and brands they are wearing.

The following strategy will outline a plan to educate TikTok users on the growing popularity and prevalence of promotional culture in social media via a thought leadership video.

1.2.      Target Publics
The central target public of the thought leadership video will be TikTok users who have used and participated in the GRWM trend. This target audience has been chosen not only because their likelihood to be influenced online is high, but because users of the #GRWM hashtag are active participators in promotional culture, and this video will inform these users of their participation. It is hoped that through this video, audiences will gain an understanding of the connection between the ‘GRWM’ trend and promotional culture. This target public will be categorised by users that have used the hashtag #GRWM on TikTok.

2.0.      Strategy
2.1.      Goals
According to Smith, a campaign’s goal must be a “short, simple statement rooted in the organisation’s (TikTok’s) mission or vision” (Smith, 2017. P. 105). The campaign’s goal is as follows:

Goal: To inform and educate users of the prevalence of promotional culture on TikTok and social media, and to create conversation about participatory promotional culture in contemporary society.

2.2.      Objectives
The following campaign objectives were created with reference with the PRIA framework for strategic communication, which states that objectives must be “specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound”, or ‘SMART’ (PRIA, 2019):

1.     To ensure the target public embraces and accepts promotional culture by achieving an average of 100 likes per week.

2.     To create awareness of promotional culture amongst the target public by achieving 1000 views per week.

3.     To create activity from the target public by achieving an average of 2 video comments per day to begin active conversation within the comment section.

3.0.      Tactics
3.1.      Implementation
The thought leadership video will be created and uploaded to TikTok. The video will include an example of a Get Ready with Me video, accompanied by a voice-over audio explaining promotional culture and its connection to the GRWM videos. By uploading the video to TikTok, the likelihood of the target audience viewing and engaging with the video is increased, as users who participate in the GWRM trend are all TikTok users. The hashtags #GRWM and #getreadywithme will be used in the video’s caption to further cater to the target audience, as “processes of suggestion, imitation, and learning… promote a shared use of certain hashtags for events, cultural expression, or engagement in ongoing conversations” (Geboers & Van De Wiele, 2020). By using these hashtags in the video, it is hoped that the target audience will actively engage with this video and the outlined objectives will be achieved.

4.0.      Evaluation
4.1.      Evaluation metrics
In order to measure the success of the video, as well as the video’s ability to meet the outlined campaign objectives, PRIA’s Social Media Content analysis guidelines will be used (PRIA, 2019).


Figure 1. PRIA Social Media Content Analysis Framework (PRIA, 2019).

The evaluation will draw particular focus on the levels of engagement, such as the number of views, likes, and comments on the video. This will be done to determine whether the performance of the video has aligned or achieved the outlined objectives of the campaign. According to Smith, evaluation criteria should “be useful to the organisation by being clearly linked with the established objectives” (Smith, 2017. P. 366). Through this focus, little attention will be given to evaluation metrics excluding the three outlined in the objectives, to ensure relevance is maintained.


Geboers, M. A., & Van De Wiele, C. T. (2020). Machine Vision and Social Media Images: Why Hashtags Matter. Social Media + Society, 6(2). 10.1177/2056305120928485

Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA). (2019). 2019 Golden Target Awards Criteria. Retrieved from awards/2019-goldentarget-awards/criteria/

Smith, R. D. (2017). Strategic Planning for Public Relations. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd


Wernick, A. (1991). Chapter 1: Imaging commodities. In Promotional culture: advertising, ideology, and symbolic expression (pp. 1–21). Sage Publications.