How do GRWM, Day in my Life & What’s in my bag videos affect you?
Since the start of 2023, the idea of aesthetics as a way of life such as, ‘clean girl aesthetic’ have taken social media and in particularly TikTok by storm. This sort of favouritism of very feminine aesthetics inspired by celebrities such as Sofia Richie have caused an uprise in social engagement with young adult women.
TikTok’s hashtag #cleangirl has roughly 5.2 billion views as well as #cleangirlaesthetic having separately 5.3 billion views.
The idea of a TikTok ‘clean girl’ is promoting through thought leadership a clean and healthy lifestyle. This has soared through TikTok as young adult girls have started seeing this previously meaningless hashtag as now a way of living. In turn, many clean skincare, makeup, food and drink brands have rapidly transformed and benefited through subsequent promoting on TikTok feeds through videos.
Most common videos found through the #cleangirlaesthetic are nail videos of the viral ‘bubble bath’ manicures, pilates and low- impact inspired workouts, slicked back buns, natural and glossy clean hair and fulfilling productive ‘day in the life’s’. To assist in the understanding and correlation between the #cleangirlaesthetic and the predominate theory of promotional culture, TikTok will be used to inform thought leadership (Wernick, 1991).
Target Publics
The clean girl aesthetic has been referred to as attempting to appear elegantly casual using minimalistic pieces to create an effortless look. This aesthetic has been up taken by the young current, first year college students of this generation surrounding 18 years of age. These girls are grouped together from using the relevant hashtags of #cleangirl and #cleangirlaesthetic (Olson, 2023). The target audience for this campaign will be the young first- year university student (aged 17-18). As a portion of this group is considered a minor, it is much harder to target under 18s but by utilising their FYP (For You Page) feature through the use of hashtags, the content is able to have the opportunity for this age demographic to engage with it.
The campaign’s goal is how promotional cultural through thought leadership is correlated with the organisation TikTok.
GOAL: To demonstrate the correlation between TikTok and promotional culture through the use of its publics and audiences.
To showcase the goals of the campaign by meeting PRIA’s SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely) objectives (PRIA, 2023).
S: To utilise TikTok’s platform to bring about awareness surrounding promotional culture
M: To utilise the platforms algorithms to reach ‘viral’ engagement which is considered 70% of the audience (Molony, 2023).
A: Reach a minimum of 1000 viewers, as TikTok normally shows all videos to an average of 500-600 spectators (Molony, 2023).
R: Reaching this vast engagement will ensure the target audience of young university students is met through the use of the #cleangirlaesthic hashtags.
Timely: Within a week
Implementation Strategy
Through the diverse and hyper visual three one-minute TikTok’s which can be found by using the hashtag interface of #cleangirlauesthetic and #cleangirl the target audience is able to connect with the visuals and engage. Each separate TikTok utilises different techniques to engage the target audiences, such as a GRWM video (get ready with me) which has 127.3B views, Day in my life videos having 42.9B and What’s in my bag video’s receiving 2.7B. First video will incorporate an active video with voice including while filming, the second will utilise a voice over explaining the day-to-day life activities in line with the visual footage, and the final video will be separate photos utilising TikTok’s ‘slideshow’ feature with writing over the top of the photos explaining the correlation of promotional theory and unboxing with social media.
Measurements and metrics
The PRIA Social Media Coverage and Analysis Report for 2023 will be used to measure the progress in each of the video’s success with the help of the date input into the specific excel spreadsheet (PRIA, 2023b).

Figure 1: PRIA Social Media Coverage and Analysis Report (PRIA, 2023)
The rating of the videos and overall performance will be analysed based on the data produced throughout the entirety of the ‘clean girl’ evaluation and the conclusion. Their will be heavy focus on the views, likes, comments and shares as well as the hashtags used on each of the videos. These will all assist is evaluating the video’s success. This framework will ensure that only the quality aspects and engagement aspects are accounted for, so unnecessary items and disregarded.
Reference List
Molony, S. (2023, August 2). How to Get More Views on TikTok | Planable. Planable. Retrieved August 12, 2023, from https://planable.io/blog/how-to-get-more-views-on-tiktok/#:~:text=Typically%20TikTok%20will%20show%20your,how%20to%20create%20engaging%20content.
Olson, S. (2023, January 11). Here’s a Rundown on the Clean Girl Aesthetic That’s Dominating TikTok RN. Seventeen. Retrieved August 5, 2023, from https://www.seventeen.com/fashion/trends/a42449695/clean-girl-aesthetic/
PRIA. (2023). Implementation Guidelines. Retrieved August 12, 2023, from https://www.pria.com.au/education/measurement-evaluation/implementation-guidelines/
PRIA. (2023b). Media & Social Media Content Analysis Guidelines. Retrieved August 12, 2023, from https://www.pria.com.au/education/measurement-evaluation/media-social-media-content-analysis-guidelines/
Review, C. (2023, August 2). Which SMART Objectives Definition Should I Use? | Clear Review. Clear Review. Retrieved August 12, 2023, from https://www.clearreview.com/resources/guides/which-smart-objectives-definition-should-i-use/
Wernick, A. (1991), Imaging commodities. Promotional Culture: Advertising, Ideology and Symbolic Expression. Newbury Park: SAGE. Chapter one.