Tag: UQinJaipur

Rohingya Refugees in Jaipur

Jasmine Hines- October 29, 2018

A Rohingya refugee shares how his father helped him flee Myanmar when he was just a child. A Rajasthan Government representative and local Rajasthani weigh-in ... Read More

Beneath the Rainbow

Lachlan Grant- October 24, 2018

This documentary highlights the lack of accessible LGBTQI health support services for members of the community living in rural India and Australia. You can watch ... Read More

Deafening Silence

Maegan Gillespie- October 19, 2017

India's children are facing an epidemic of abuse, with 53% of Indian children having experienced sexual abuse. Yet the people are silent, government initiatives are ... Read More

“I don’t know what that is”

Maegan Gillespie- October 19, 2017

India's ignorance surrounding autism, a spark exploration into the impact stigma has on autistic children in India.   Read More

Education: it’s a girl’s story

Elise Williams- October 17, 2017

In a time where the rest of the world is pushing for gender equality, parts of India, sadly, still do not believe in educating a ... Read More

Jaipur, the ‘top dog’ of stray dog management

Georgia Clelland- October 17, 2017

India is second most populated country in the world for humans. But it holds the dubious record for having the largest stray dog population in the ... Read More

What the West Will Do For India’s Children

Nickie You- October 17, 2017

Voluntourism, the hybrid of volunteering while travelling, is one of the fastest growing trends in travel. The concept of travelling in a developing country, while ... Read More

The Startup Industry of Jaipur

Ryan Webb- October 16, 2017

The city of Jaipur, capital of the North-western Indian state of Rajasthan, is the home to some of India’s most successful start-ups, who are hoping ... Read More

Health is the Industry’s Wealth

Juanita Egan- October 16, 2017

Tucked away in an alley off the main street of Jaipur, the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries are plagued by counterfeit medications and supplements. Boxes litter ... Read More

The Unexpected Colours of Jaipur

Eliza Crisp- September 25, 2017

It happened immediately. Driving from the Delhi airport, our taxi snaking across a 16-lane highway, our brains scrambled to decipher what we were seeing. Cars, ... Read More